
We're hiring! Reach out if you know folks looking for postdoc or research associate positions

The St. Laurent Lab at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana Farber Brigham Cancer Center in Boston is recruiting! Our lab investigates the fundamental mechanisms driving gynecologic cancer development, specifically focusing on the interplay between epigenetic and transcriptional regulatory processes. We provide training in liquid handling robotics and automation, epigenomics, utilizing clinical samples, ex vivo models, murine models, cutting-edge sequencing technologies and bioinformatic data analysis. This research will provide postdoctoral fellows, research associates, PhD students, residents and fellows with a unique skill set at the intersection of cancer biology, chromatin organization, epigenetics, and translational research.

We are seeking translationally-minded scientists eager to conduct research with a direct impact on improving patient outcomes. Ideally, we'd like to hear from you about 1 year before you're looking to make your transition.

If you are interested, please contact us with your CV and a description of your interests.